Monday, May 7, 2012

TSA is foolishly trained to target the wrong people

After traveling by air more than usual over the past month, I wanted to share an insight I had.

The agency that the government set up to protect us from terrorists in the air, seems to have forgotten what terrorists look like.  In our day to day lives, the "boogie man" can look like anyone.  But a terrorist, at least the ones in the past decade, tend to have a distinct look and come from a distinct place. I don't fault TSA workers for this simple oversight and can't imagine having a more unpleasant job.  But the TSA and government officials who made the rules, need a little refresher. THIS is what a terrorist looks like...

Osama bin Laden    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed  Shoe Bomber Underwear Bomber

Please stop targeting the wrong suspects.  We don't even remotely fit the profile description.  And yes, profiling, though politically incorrect, is a much more intuitive way to find a terrorist then randomly searching children, babies, the elderly and handicapped.  To my knowledge, none of these profile groups have EVER attempted to hijack or blow up a plane. These are NOT your suspects:


1 comment:

  1. I whole heartedly agree with this! I had dreadlocks for two years, and every time I flew I was searched. After I took them out? Not once!


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