Friday, October 7, 2011

Pastor who called Mormonism a cult would do well to follow basic Christian principles

By R. Murdock
Today a Southern Baptist minister from a mega-church, endorsed Rick Perry, a true Christian.  Afterwards when talking to reporters, he said he did it because Mitt Romney is not a Christian, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) is a cult.

Robert Jeffress just created a huge PR headache for Rick Perry who's campaign later had to come out and assure everyone that Rick Perry does not think that Mitt Romney is a member of a cult.

The funny thing is that Jefress stated "I think Mitt Romney's a good, moral man, but those of us who are born again followers of Christ should prefer a competent Christian." So is he saying it's better to be competent than good and moral?

Jeffress later went on to say that if the choice comes down to Obama and Romney, he would plug his nose and vote for Romney (because apparently it really isn't that big of a deal to be part of a cult these days.)  He gives his reason here:
Jeffress Statement:
 "I would rather have a non-Christian who at least supports biblical principles than a professing Christian like Barack Obama who embraces unbiblical positions." 

My Restatement of what he's actually saying:
"I would rather have a member of a cult who is good and moral and at least supports biblical principles than a professing Christian like Barack Obama."
I know, it's confusing, a true flip flopper.  Now it's better to have a cult member than a Christian. This guy really needs to figure out exactly what a Christian is, and then act like one. (Hint: Those who followed Jesus Christ during biblical times were called Christians which was a derogatory name, just like "Mormon" started out as a derogatory name as well.  A Christian is a follower of Christ.)
As a Born-Again Christian,  I'm assuming Mr. Jeffress probably believes that as long as you profess Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, then you're saved by grace.  Obama and Romney both claim to have done this, so it really doesn't matter what they do, think or follow after that. 
(Note: Mormons believe that we are saved by Christ's grace after all we can do.  That's why many are perceived as "good" and "moral," because they believe that being a follower of Christ, AKA Christian, actually means following His example and trying to do what He would do.)

Mr. Jeffress also stated in an interview to a news organization that Mormons are not Christian because they worship Joseph Smith.  This is totally NOT TRUE.  Mormons only worship Jesus Christ.  In the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ, it says "(Christ) is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God."

Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, which testifies of Christ.  We honor Joseph Smith the same as a Baptist would honor Moses, who brought forth the Ten Commandments; or John the Beloved who wrote the Book of Revelation.  We are grateful to have the Book of Mormon, the Bible and the Ten Commandments.  But in no way do Moses, John the Beloved/Revelator or Joseph Smith save us from our sins, nor would we EVER worship them.

I have no doubt that Mr. Jeffress loves and worships Jesus Christ.  He is not a perfect follower or Christian, and none of us are.  When someone says, “I believe in Christ.”  Who are we to judge what is in that person’s heart. Christ knows perfectly who His followers are.  They are the ones who hear His voice and do their best to follow Him.

With the deep love Mr. Jeffress has for his Savior and Redeemer, how would he feel if someone came along trashing his faith and told him that he does not follow Christ, believe in Christ, worship Christ?  How would he feel if someone said the Southern Baptist Convention is a cult?  I don’t think he would like that at all.

A person's faith is deeply personal and sacred.  The personal relationship they have with God is something great to be treasured.  No one likes to have such treasures maliciously and publicly attacked, belittled and misrepresented.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I'm called a Mormon because I believe in the Book of Mormon, which like the Bible, testifies that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the Savior of the world and all mankind.  I am a sinner and would be lost without the perfect love and sacrifice of Jesus.  I know He loves me.  He gave His life for me and suffered unspeakable pains on my behalf.  I try to show my love and appreciation for Him by doing my best to follow His perfect example.  Everyday I fall short of taking upon me His name.  But I repent and He forgives me and I keep trying.  I am honored to be a follower of Christ.  No matter how many times people say that I am not a Christian, I know that the One person who matters the most to me, knows who I am and knows I do my best to follow Him.  I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I'm grateful for His grace and mercy.  He wants me to be happy, and when I follow Him, I have joy in my life.

Those like me, who follow Christ, and those who do not, would do well to remember one of His simple yet profound teachings:

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

 Painting by Greg Olson, a Mormon and a Christian who loves Jesus Christ

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written and a good reminder to us all who profess to be disciples of Jesus Christ. He also told us to "Love on another as I have loved you." This kind of bigotry that was expressed by this Pastor Jeffress is not representative of one who professes to be a true Christian. It is terribly offensive to tell someone who is a believer that they are not a Christian. Only God knows our hearts and I am glad that he is the one who will judge us.


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